Dear Visitor,
It is said that a Witch “Desires to Know in order to Serve.” Isis Sophia was formed in Spring 2017 in response to an undeniable surge of interest in the Mysteries. [Read more about our History…]
It is said “only a Witch can make a Witch”. We are a coven of Traditional Wicca with a degree structure. We meet for all Sabbats, Esbats and for weekly classes. [Read more about our Studies…]
We are descended of the Isis Urania lineage, a spiritual mystery tradition which emphasizes compassion, self-discipline and self-realization, and all that is embodied in the words “Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.” [Read more about What We Do…]
More than ever, regardless of who we are or where we are from, we must strive to be our best selves and work to make this a more compassionate world. It is asked “Art thou willing to suffer in order to learn?”
Blessed Be